Volunteer for Palmer’s Uncorked Art Show and Auction

Posted December 4, 2024

Palmer Uncorked Art Show and Auction, volunteers needed for event on March 8

Hello Palmer families, 

Sign up to be a volunteer for Palmer’s Uncorked Art Show and Auction! This adults-only event will feature a kid’s art show, silent auction, tastings and appetizers. All raised funds will be used to support our Palmer families, teachers and staff through this upcoming transition. 

Any amount of time you can share, big or small, is appreciated! Volunteers are needed during the planning and preparation stages (looking to form a planning committee to meet monthly now through March), as well as the day of the event on March 8, 2025. 

Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054EA9AC29A7FC1-52951369-uncorked?useFullSite=true#/

Questions? Feel free to reach out to Suzanne Switzer at suzanne.switzer@gmail.com or Liz Montgomery at Lizrmontgomery@gmail.com (Uncorked organizers, both PTA volunteers and kindergarten moms).