Health & Wellness

Palmer Health Office Information

When to keep a sick child home (English)

When to keep sick children home (Spanish)

COVID-19 Guidance for Parents and Caregivers

Student Medication Treatment Forms

Dr. Emily Bates is a mother of one of our students here at Palmer, and a PhD scientist in the Department of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital/University of Colorado Hospital. She made this presentation to help parents have the information they need to make informed decisions about Covid vaccination.

“We all hate COVID. All these months of anxiety have made every decision feel difficult. It has never been part of the parent’s job to know how a vaccine works, or how to weigh the risks associated with this disease. So some parents that I know and love have had a hard time deciding whether and when to give their kids the Covid vaccines. This is where I felt like I could help. I explain what the risks of Covid in kids are, what is in the vaccines, how they work, how doctors and scientists think about the long-term effects of Covid infection vs. vaccination. I answer other questions/concerns that friends have brought up. The presentation has chapters embedded, so you can find the part that interests you.”