Principal Newsletter

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 1/29

Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view our January Palmer Principal Newsletter for current events, updates and more from Palmer! Jan. News (1)DownloadContinue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 12/23

Happy holidays, Palmer Families! Please check out the newsletter below for the latest Palmer updates. We hope you all have a great break and we will see you back at school on Jan. 7! December News (5)DownloadContinue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 11/18

Nov. News (1)Download Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view this month’s Palmer Principal Newsletter for updates, reminders, events and more.  Thank you, Dawn Salter, Principal… Continue Reading

Palmer Principal Highlight

Check it out! Our very own Palmer Elementary Principal, Dawn Salter was featured on DPS’ website! Click the link below to see learn more about her time as a principal and DPS staff.👩‍🏫 Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 10/15

Oct. Newsletter (2)Download Dear Palmer Families, We hope you’ve been having a wonderful week so far! Please view the newsletter above for this month’s Palmer Principal Newsletter for updates, surveys, events and more. Have a great evening! … Continue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter

Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view our September Palmer Principal Newsletter for current events, updates and more from Palmer! Sept.-Principal-News-1-compressed-compressedDownloadContinue Reading