Principal Newsletter

Palmer Principal Newsletter

Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view our September Palmer Principal Newsletter for current events, updates and more from Palmer! Sept.-Principal-News-1-compressed-compressedDownloadContinue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 8/12

Palmer-812-News-1Download Copy-of-Palmer-812-NewsDownload Dear Palmer Families, The school year is approaching ONE week from today and we are so excited to welcome you back to Palmer Elementary. A reminder that K-5th grades will return on August 19th and ECE’s first day is August 20th…. Continue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter

PalmerFebruaryNewsDownload Good afternoon Palmer Families!Please take a look at this month’s Principal Newsletter for the latest in Palmer updates and upcoming events. We hope you have a great weekend!… Continue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter 12/15

PalmerDecemberNews-1Download Good afternoon Palmer Families! Please take a look at this month’s Principal Newsletter for the latest in Palmer updates and upcoming events. We hope you have a wonderful winter break and we’ll see you back on January 3rd,… Continue Reading

Palmer PTA Newsletter | 12/07

Dear Palmer Families, we hope you’ve been having a great week! Please click the link below to view this week’s Palmer PTA newsletter.  PTA NewsletterContinue Reading

Palmer Principal Newsletter

Palmer_NovemberNews-2Download Good afternoon Palmer Families!Please take a look at this month’s Principal Newsletter for the latest in Palmer updates and upcoming events. We hope you have a great rest of your week. Enjoy next week’s break with your families!… Continue Reading