Principal Newsletter

Palmer Parent Press – April

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Parent Parent Press!Continue Reading

Palmer Parent Press – March

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Palmer Parent Press! March 7th was an allocated planning day for Palmer teachers. Our school improvement plan includes a goal to provide culturally responsive education for all students. Teachers engaged in the work of planning to implement a powerful best practice of elevating student agency and voice in the classroom…. Continue Reading

Palmer Parent Press – February

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Palmer Parent Press! Due to the global pandemic, students have experienced learning loss over the last two years. To focus on Accelerated Learning, Palmer will be using an upcoming professional development day to plan for implementation of rigorous tasks,… Continue Reading

Palmer Parent Press – January

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Palmer Parent Press! Welcome back to school! We are thankful for the opportunity to live and learn together in-person for another semester in the New Year! As we all are experiencing challenges of every kind,… Continue Reading

Palmer Parent Press – December

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Palmer Parent Press! Another holiday season is upon us. We want to wish you and your families health, peace, and enjoyment throughout this winter holiday break. We look forward to seeing you in the new year!… Continue Reading

Palmer Parent Press – November

Dear Palmer Families, Read the latest edition of the Palmer Parent Press! Here at Palmer we are grateful for so many things. We are grateful for our kind and brilliant students, our dedicated and hardworking staff, and our caring and supportive family community! … Continue Reading