Category: News

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 3/21

Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view our March Palmer Principal Newsletter for current events, BESS Mental Health Screener, updates and more from Palmer! Have a wonderful spring break, we will see you back on Tuesday, April 1!

Spring Enrichment Opportunities | 2025

Hey Palmer Families!Registration for Spring 2025 enrichments is HERE and there are many fun after school enrichments for your Palmer student to get involved in. Registration will begin tomorrow, 3/21, and will close when enrichments are full. Clubs will beContinue Reading

ECE Meal Times & No School Reminder

Dear Palmer ECE Families, Tomorrow March 20th, students will not have school, it is a non-student contact day for Palmer. Most Palmer staff members will be participating in the Colorado Education Association’s No More Education Cuts: Statewide Day of Action. ListedContinue Reading

No Classes for Students | Mar. 20

Dear Palmer Elementary School Families,  Palmer will not have classes on Thursday, Mar. 20, this is a non-student contact day for our school. Most Palmer staff members will be participating in the Colorado Education Association’s No More Education Cuts: Statewide DayContinue Reading

Coffee with the Principal

Dear Palmer Families, This Friday, Mar. 21 is our next Coffee with the Principal at Palmer. Join us in the library for some coffee and chatter to learn more about updates, events and other fun things coming up. Please clickContinue Reading

Dress Like A Book Character Day | Mar. 21

Dear Palmer Families,  On Friday, March 21st we will be hosting Book Character Dress Up Day at Palmer. All students are welcome to participate by coming to school dressed as their favorite book character to promote Reading is Fundamental (RIF). RIFContinue Reading

Palmer Announcement & Community Meeting Reminder

Dear Palmer Families, I am happy to announce that I am returning as Principal for the 2025-26 school year. The school will transition into the Palmer Early Childhood Education (ECE) Center. This transition to an ECE Center represents a newContinue Reading

Palmer PTA Newsletter | 3/11

Dear Palmer Families,  Happy Tuesday! Make sure to click the link below for the latest PTA newsletter with updates and events coming up at Palmer. Have a great week!


One more reminder to join us for the final Uncorked Art Show & Auction on Saturday, March 8, from 4:30 to 7:30 pm at Bella Diva World Dance. It’s a chance for our community to come together one last time. Enjoy artContinue Reading

Palmer Facility Usage Discussion | 3/12

Join us for a Facility Usage Discussion on March 12 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Palmer Elementary. A third-party facilitator will be leading this meeting to discuss how the community feedback led to the decision to make Palmer a permanent ECE Center. Dr. Marrero will be presentContinue Reading

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