Category: News

Palmer PTA Newsletter | 4/09

Hey Palmer Families! We hope you had a great Tuesday. Please click the link below for the latest Palmer updates from our PTA. A reminder that there is a PTA Meeting tonight, April 9th in the Palmer Library at 6pm.Continue Reading

PTA Newsletter | April 8th

Dear Palmer Families, we hope you’ve been having a great week so far! Please click the button below to view this week’s Palmer PTA newsletter.

Dress Like A Rockstar Day

Dear Palmer Families,  On Monday, April 8th we will be hosting Dress Like a Rockstar Day as encouragement for our students to rock their CMAS tests. All students are welcome to participate. When dressing up we want our students toContinue Reading

Paraprofessional Appreciation Day

Today we thank our paraprofessionals who are important to our school, teachers and students. Our paraprofessionals help create safe and welcoming cultures within our classes and consistently provide necessary support for all types of learners within our school community. ParaprofessionalsContinue Reading

National Assistant Principals Week

We wanted to extend a shoutout to a very special Palmer staff member! In honor of National Assistant Principals Week we are highlighting our own, Ms. Megan Freeland! We are so grateful for the support and dedication you bring toContinue Reading

Spring Break 2024

Have a wonderful spring break Palmer Elementary! We will see you back in school on April 2nd, 2024.

Palmer Principal Newsletter

BESS Survey

You are encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input on your child’s mental health and social-emotional well-being. Our end-of-year screening window is open from March 18 through April 26.

Book Character Dress Up Day

Dear Palmer Families,  On Friday, March 22nd we will be hosting Book Character Dress Up Day at Palmer. All students are welcome to participate by coming to school dressed as their favorite book character to promote Reading is Fundamental (RIF). RIFContinue Reading

CMAS Information

Dear Palmer Families, In April, Colorado students will take end-of-year assessments called CMAS or Colorado Measures of Academic Success. Students in grades 3-5 will take English language arts and math tests. Students in grade 5 will take science tests.  CMASContinue Reading

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