Category: News

Palmer Principal Newsletter | 11/18

Dear Palmer Families, Please scroll to view this month’s Palmer Principal Newsletter for updates, reminders, events and more.  Thank you, Dawn Salter, Principal

Superintendant Engagement Session Information

Dear Palmer community, Following the recent news about the potential for our school to close, I would like to invite you to a community meeting with the superintendent at Palmer. This meeting is an opportunity for staff and families toContinue Reading

Opportunities to Engage | PTA Meeting & Public Comments

Dear Palmer Staff and Families, In the upcoming days, there are opportunities to engage with Denver Public Schools and our community as a whole. Listed below are important dates and information to make note of moving forward. PTA Meeting When: Tuesday,Continue Reading

Palmer Thanksgiving Lunch | RSVP by NOV. 8

Dear Palmer Families,  Now that the leaves have turned and the weather is getting a bit cooler, we want to invite you to our annual Thanksgiving Lunch at Palmer Elementary School. On Tuesday, November 19th, 2024, you are welcome toContinue Reading

BESS Mental Health Screening

Dear Palmer Families, An important reminder that you are encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input on your student’s mental health and social emotion well being. The form can be completed in less than 5 minutes. HereContinue Reading

Palmer PTA Newsletter | 10/24

Hey Palmer Families!  Happy Thursday! ONE more day until our Fall Festival and we can’t wait, make sure to join us tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 25 at 5:30 PM for our Fall Festival Trunk or Treat. We’re always looking for moreContinue Reading

Palmer Principal Highlight

Check it out! Our very own Palmer Elementary Principal, Dawn Salter was featured on DPS’ website! Click the link below to see learn more about her time as a principal and DPS staff.👩‍🏫

Palmer Updates | 10/23

Dear Palmer Families, We hope you’ve been having a great week so far! Please click the link below for updates regarding this week’s Trunk or Treat, Coffee with the Principal and so much more!

Palmer Fall Festival | 10/25

Join us this week Palmer families! Check out the graphic below for more information. 🎃👻

Palmer P.R.I.D.E Spotlight

Check out Moses’s P.R.I.D.E Passion spotlight that we’re featuring this week! Read the graphic to learn about their favorite parts about playing soccer!⚽️🥅

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