ECE & Kindergarten Welcome

Welcome future Palmer ECE and Kinder parents/guardians and students! We can’t wait to have you join our Palmer family as the school year begins. Please continue scrolling to learn more about upcoming events, your teachers, school supply lists, and important FAQs.

Upcoming Event Dates:

About Your Teachers:

Important FAQs

CurriculumWe focus on learning to be at school which means we do a deep dive into our emotions, what they feel like, and how to handle them. We use music, books, and hands on explorations to learn about being at school. We have two large group circle times, small groups and free choice. 
The curriculum we use for Literacy is CKLA and the Math curriculum is Bridges. Our social-emotional learning curriculum is called HARMONY.
Daily ScheduleAM class 
8:00- 8:20- Welcome/Bathrooms/Table Tops 
8:20-8:40- Circle Time 
8:40-9:15- Outside/Gym Time 
9:20-9:40- Snack Time 
9:40- 10:00 Circle Time 
10-10:50 Center Time 
10:50-11:00- Clean up/Say Goodbye 

PM Class 
12:00-12:20 Welcome/Bathrooms/Table Tops 
12:20-12:40- Circle Time 
1:20-1:40- Snack Time 
1:40-2:00- Circle Time 
2:00-2:50- Center time 
2:50-3:00 Clean Up/ Say Goodbye 
8:05-8:15 – Breakfast
8:15-8:30 – Morning Meeting
8:30-9:10 – Phonics
9:10-9:15 – Movement Break
9:15-9:50 – Investigation Centers (intro, centers, thinking & feedback)
9:55-10:00 – Movement Break
10:00-10:25 – Read Aloud
10:30-11:20 – Recess and Lunch
11:25-11:35 – Calm Down Break
11:35-12:10 – Math
12:15-1:05 – Specials
1:05-1:25 – Filed Work (Sci &amp, SS)
1:25-2:10 – Small Group Time (independent reading and math choices) 
2:10-2:20 – SEL
2:20-2:40 – Second Recess
2:40-2:50 – Snack
2:50-3:05 – Clean up, pack up, shout outs
3:05 – Dismissal
What to Expect on the First Day of SchoolBe prepared for tears! We tend to see most students are excited the first couple of days and by day 3 we see the most tears. 

We will focus mostly on the routine of the class and what the expectations are for the classroom and being at school.
Teachers will be going over rituals and routines of the classroom. Sometimes students cry when at the beginning of the school year. You should expect to drop your kid off “kiss and go” style, we will help them become acclimated to the classroom. 
Can ECE/Kinder attend the YMCA?ECE students are eligible for the YMCA once they turn 5 years oldYes they can! 
Drop off/Pick-Up & Sign-In/Sign OutECE 3
We drop off and pick up at our door which is door number 5. If you are ten minutes late for either drop off or pick up you will be asked to walk around the building to the front doors of the school and check in with the office. 
Students enter through Door 2 in the morning (south end of building on Grape St.) Ms. Emily’s students are picked up at this door while Mr. Hammond’s students are picked up at the ECE playground or at Door 3 during inclement weather.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to come into the classroom to drop their students off. At dismissal, the teachers bring the classrooms out to the playground, there will be a sign-out sheet for dismissal.
We do not have breakfast or lunch since our classes are only 3 hours long.
Breakfast is always available and free to students. ALL students are eligible for a free school lunch. Forms are completed upon enrollment. All meals are eaten in the classroom.

Breakfast is always available and free to students. Students eat lunch in the cafeteria. ALL students are eligible for a free school lunch. Forms are completed upon enrollment.
Field TripsStudents typically take two field trips each school year in addition to some at-school events and a walking field trip to Mayfair Park.Students will attend at least one field trip per year.
SnacksECE 3
We will have a daily snack time for both classes built into our schedule. Parents/Guardians are required to provide a snack and water bottle daily. 
Snacks for students are provided by the school.
We ask that parents/guardians provide an afternoon snack for their student.
Clothing – Extra SetFamilies are asked to leave a full change of clothes at school for their child in case of accidents.

If your child wears diapers please send a whole pack of diapers/pull-ups and wipes. We will let you know when they run out.
We ask that you provide your child with an extra set of clothing to assist in case of an accident.