Welcome to Palmer Elementary

Got P.R.I.D.E.? Yes, we do!


No School | 1/20

Dear Palmer Families, A reminder that with Martin Luther King Day on Mon., Jan. 20 there will be no school that day. Students will return back to school on Tues., Jan 21. Have a great long weekend! An additional heads up that we will be resuming regular arrival and dismissal locations at Palmer on Jan…. Continue Reading

BESS Mental Health Screening

17302320670925_English_BESS_Flyer_Parent_Caregiver_ScreeningDownload Dear Palmer Families, An important reminder that you are encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input on your student’s mental health and social emotion well being. The form can be completed in less than 5 minutes and it closes on 1/31…. Continue Reading

Palmer PTA News | 1/13

Dear Palmer Families,  Happy Monday! Make sure to click the link below for the latest PTA newsletter with updates and events coming up at Palmer. Have a great week! https://mailchi.mp/fc4339747c29/october-16th-newsletter-10149652?e=ffff4b3733Continue Reading
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