Welcome to Palmer Elementary

Got P.R.I.D.E.? Yes, we do!


Holiday Resources & Winter Enrichment Clubs

Dear Palmer Families,  Please view the documents below to learn more about Holiday Resources and Winter Enrichment Clubs offered this winter season.  Additionally, click the cheddar website link below to sign up for clubs listed in the Winter Enrichment flyer! https://after-school-enrichment-clubs-2024-session-2.cheddarup.com Holiday-Resources-2023-2Download Winter-Enrichment-Info-Sheet-1Download Palmer-Dance-Creative-Kids-HH-Club-2DownloadContinue Reading

CSC Election

Dear Palmer Families, CSC has three positions that require an official vote from our community. The offices include chairperson, co-chairperson and secretary. Please click the link to complete the form below to select all members you would like to represent Palmer’s CSC…. Continue Reading

Palmer PTA Newsletter | 12/07

Dear Palmer Families, we hope you’ve been having a great week! Please click the link below to view this week’s Palmer PTA newsletter.  PTA NewsletterContinue Reading
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Upcoming Events

NO SCHOOL – Winter Break